Derudover har ugen stået på store spørgsmål så som at flytte tilbage til Danmark eller ej? Og så kommer posten med brevet hvor der står om vi vil forlænge kontrakten eller ej! Så der skal tages en beslutning nu!
Udover store spørgsmål og beslutninger, har jeg fået super lækker mad, Mark har endnu en gang introduceret mig til en fantastisk opskrift og ret kaldet ”Pastabake”, man bager simpelthen pastaen i ovnen, med kød/fisk og sauce, minder lidt om lasagne, og smager himmelsk og så er der jo mad til en 2-3 dage ;)
So much happened the last couple of days, that I simply just haven’t had the time to blog, the Jobcenteret, meeting with social losers, about how to get back in job (as if we didn’t know how to make a job application?) and suddenly an unexpected call from yesterday’s job application about a job interview today! So unexpected and yet so lovely, and it went so well, I felt like talking with a good friend! I think I did good impression and I am expecting to hear back from her in the upcoming 5-7 days!
Besides from that the week has been full of big questions such as moving back to Denmark or not? And then the letter arrives with the post, about if we want to sign the contract for another 6 months or not? So we have to make a decision now!
Besides all these big questions and decisions I’ve had the most amazing food lately, Mark has once again introduced me to another amazing recipe and dish called, “Pastabake”, you simply bake the pasta in the oven, with meat/fish and sauce, it reminds me of lasagne in some way, and taste gorgeous and on top of that there is food for 2-3 days! ;)
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